Our space to support creative inquiry & explore things we don’t yet know.
Whether through art, science, scholarship, field work, or some combination of it all, our Community Studios are dedicated to asking new questions, testing new ideas, and playing with what’s possible.
Permission to experiment
● Our Approach
We host and support insight-driven internal and collaborative projects aimed at moving engagement or understanding of our issue areas forward.
We believe in creating conditions where unconventional questions, approaches, and connections have a chance to bloom.
Risk-taking is underrated in knowledge-building spaces.
At The Plenary, we don’t want great ideas to go untested or important questions to go unanswered just because they didn’t fit the mold.
We believe that playing it safe can stifle creative and cultural progress, and that embracing the occasional failure is a powerful part of the process. We invest a portion of our resources in new approaches that invite discourse, explore novel avenues, or challenge the status quo. If it doesn’t work, we learned something new. And if it does, we unlocked new possibilities.
Featured Projects
Support the STUDIOS
By supporting The Plenary, you’re supporting artists and scholars who are pushing the limits of what’s known and how we share it. You’re also supporting our commitment to keep experimenting and pushing the issues we care about forward.
● PROPOSE A Community STudio PROJECT
We don’t currently offer grants or direct funding. For selected collaborative projects, we provide operational and conceptual guidance, partner on grant applications, cover core materials costs, and support the evaluation and promotion of the work. For more information about funding or sponsoring our programs, please contact